

Burial Service Packages

The following is a list of choices which represent the price of our burial service packages.

They do not include the casket or container required for visitation or viewing, burial, or entombment.

You are in no way limited to these service package options. You may itemize services in order to select only those which are right for you.

Church or Chapel Funeral Service


Includes: Vehicle and staff for removal and transfer from place of death, basic services of funeral director and staff, embalming, other preparation of the body, facilities and staff for weekday visitation, facilities, equipment and staff for a weekday funeral service, graveside service, funeral coach and driver, 1 limousine and driver, service / utility vehicle and driver.

Does not include merchandise (casket, outer burial container, paper goods) or cash advance items (death certificates, obituaries, flowers).

Caskets start at $950.00

Outer Burial Containers start at $1,350.00

Graveside Funeral Service


Includes: Vehicle and staff for removal and transfer from place of death, basic services of funeral director and staff, embalming, other preparation of the body, facilities and staff for weekday visitation, facilities, equipment and staff for a weekday graveside funeral service, funeral coach and driver, service / utility vehicle and driver.

Does not include merchandise (casket, outer burial container, paper goods) or cash advance items (death certificates, obituaries, flowers).

Caskets start at $950.00

Outer Burial Containers start at $1,350.00

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